Terms and Conditions
About us
The National Allotment Society is the working title of the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Limited. It represents allotment holders across the UK, working to protect, promote and preserve allotments for all. It is a membership organisation and currently receives no statutory funding.
Terms and Conditions
In becoming a member of The National Allotment Society, I understand that information relating to my purchase will be used by The National Allotment Society and it’s carefully appointed agents to fulfil the requirements of that membership only. We respect your privacy, therefore no data will be shared or sold to a third party.
From time to time The National Allotment Society may contact you directly (either by post or email) regarding member benefit plans and/or on behalf of its corporate partners, but it will not share your details for marketing purposes.
Your membership will include the following:
- Regular magazine (Individual/School/Local Authority and Landlord members receive one copy of the magazine posted out. Allotment association members receive one magazine for every ten of their members, posted out. The magazine is presently published four times a year, but this is subject to change.
- A quarterly e-newsletter.
- Free Allotmenteers Liability Insurance (Association/Individual/Life members only)
- Free initial legal advice relating to allotment law (provided over the phone, via email or in writing.
- Discounted Seeds from Kings Seeds, our recommended seed supplier (www.kingsseeds.com) (Association/Individual/Life/School members only)
- Bespoke insurance packages from Chris Knott Insurance designed for allotment holders (www.shieldtotalinsurance.co.uk)
- Access to the help and support of a Regional Representative, including free advice and information on allotment gardening (provided via email, over the phone or in some cases in person)
- Access to a members only area of the website, complete with specialised information not available to the general public.
- The Society will endeavour to provide new member benefits through the year – please see its website or magazine for details
- All members of The National Allotment Society will be issued with a share in the Society, entitling them to attend the AGM and vote accordingly. All members will receive a copy of the rules of the Society. Your membership pack will be sent to you within 28 days of your order.
Online payments and security
The National Allotment Society uses Stripe for the processing of all online payments.
However in the unlikely situation where a member provides his or her credit card details directly to the Society, this information will be used for the intended purpose only and then destroyed. It will not be stored, shared or sold.
Cancellation and Returns Policy If you wish to cancel your membership you can do so by contacting The National Allotment Society within 7 working days of your order. Please either email contact@thenas.org.uk or write to ‘Membership Department, The National Allotment Society, O’Dell House, Hunters Road, Corby, NN17 5JE’ explaining why you wish to cancel your membership.
Refunds will be made for the full amount, if a cancellation has been made within 7 working days of order. This refund will be made either BACS or returned to the card used to purchase the application online within 28 days of the cancellation notification.