About The National Allotment Society

Founded in the early 20th century, The National Allotment Society is the leading representative body for UK allotment holders with over 125,000 members. Our mission is to protect, promote and preserve allotments for future generations. 

We support 

We work with allotment sites, associations, councils and individual plotholders to provide advice and guidance. We provide expertise on issues ranging from site management, environmental concerns, tenancy agreements, fundraising, setting up and managing associations and more. 

We also provide a wealth of membership benefits including:

  • Free Allotmenteer's liability insurance
  • Free initial legal advice from our law experts
  • Discounted seed scheme 
  • Gardening product offers
  • Allotment Gardener magazine
  • Regular email newsletters
  • A members' only area of the website
  • On-the-ground support from a network of regional representatives
  • Gardening advice from a horticultural adviser
  • Support and templates for associations and councils 
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We protect 

We work with the Government, councils, associations, landlords, NGOs, charities and developers to create, manage and preserve allotments for the next generation.

As key players in the Government allotment land disposal process, we have a unique position in protecting allotment land; councils who are considering selling allotment land are obliged to seek our assessment.

We also purchase allotment land at risk of disposal, working with land owners and associations to set up self managing associations. Your membership helps to support this work and preserve allotments for future generations. 


We promote

Allotments are valuable community assets, boosting health & wellbeing, providing sustainable growing spaces and creating biodiverse green corridors. Not only are they a valuable part of our UK heritage, but they play an important part in our future too.

Together with our passionate representatives and volunteers, we highlight the value of allotment gardens, spreading the word at gardening shows and in through the media.

For over 20 years we have promoted National Allotments Week; a campaign to encourage allotment sites to throw open their gates and engage with media and social media to promote the wonders of allotments.

National Allotments Week >

21st Century Allotments in New Developments 

Our history

The origins if The National Allotment Society dates back to 1901 with the formation of the Agricultural Organisation Society who were prominent in establishing the Small Holdings & Allotment act.

In 1930, the National Union of Allotment Holders Limited and the Allotment Organisation Society amalgamated under the joint title of the National Allotment Society Limited, with the President, Sir Francis Dyke Acland. 

Between 1939 to 1945 NAS supported the “Dig for Victory” Campaign, assisting thousands of allotments during the Second World War.

More about NAS history >

Poster image: The Garden Museum

Patrons, ambassadors and experts

We are proud to have the support of His Royal Highness King Charles III as our Patron. His deep passion for gardening, commitment to environmental causes, and steadfast dedication to preserving the UK's rich traditions make him an invaluable advocate for The National Allotment Society.

We are also privileged to work with some fantastic allotment, horticulture and food experts who help to share their expertise with our members and help to champion the allotment movement.

NAS patrons, ambassadors and experts >

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