New NAS Ambassador

We are excited to announce that RHS multi-award-winning garden designer, Zoe Claymore, is now on board as a National Allotment Society Ambassador.

She brings with her a wealth of experience of designing gardens for growing and hopes to share some practical tips to help you plan your plot and planting. Zoe is currently developing her own allotment and you can follow her journey on her Instagram account

Zoe won the 2023 Gold Medal, the ‘Best Get Started Garden’ and ‘People’s Choice Award’ at the 2023 RHS Hampton Court Flower Show. As well as being NAS Ambassador, she sits on the editorial board of The Garden Design Journal, the Society of Garden Designers publication. She also offers garden design, planting design and garden consultation services to clients across the UK.

Zoe has written an article for our next membership magazine and is currently sharing her knowledge in a video series 'How To Plan Your Plot' - viewable on social media and on her YouTube account.


For more information, visit Zoe's website:

Follow her allotment journey on Instagram

See her full short video series: 

How To Plan Your Plot - Zoe Claymore

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