Monthly jobs on your allotment

For some monthly advice and tips on what you should be doing on your allotment, please choose the month from the drop down menu.


May often feel like one of the busiest months of the year, though it can still be unpredictable. Keep a close watch out for late frosts and ensure that greenhouses are still closed well before temperatures drop. As always, keep a close eye out for early pest damage, especially slugs and snails who will relish young tender vegetables!

As the temperatures start to slowly rise, so the weeds will once again resume growth, and as ever the ground is dry enough, keep the vegetable beds well hoed. Also, keep preparing beds by lightly treading down after the winter has worked on the rough dug soil before giving the surface a thorough raking down.

Many seeds can now be sown, especially in milder areas, but for those in naturally cooler districts it may be better to still wait a little longer.

Now is a good time to make up a batch of liquid manure feed. Collect horse droppings and tie into a hessian sack. Place the sack in a water barrel and allow to steep for a couple of weeks. This can then be diluted and watered on as required but avoid applying it to seedlings or young plants.


  • Sow carrots, beetroot, spinach, leaf beet, salad onions, radish, lettuce, peas, summer and autumn cabbages, cauliflowers, broccoli, calabrese, Brussels sprouts, turnips, maincrop peas - a long list this month!
  • Start to harvest asparagus.
  • Sow sweetcorn – under cover in cooler areas, direct if not.
  • Plant out courgettes etc at end of the month.
  • Plant maincrop potatoes.
  • Plant out celeriac and celery.
  • Earth up early potatoes.
  • Stake peas and erect climbing bean frames. Sow beans under glass or direct at the end of the month.
  • Sow dwarf French beans and late broad beans.

  • Mulch strawberry beds with straw or similar.
  • Thin canes on autumn fruiting raspberries.
  • Keep all new growth tied in on trained trees, canes etc
  • Mulch fruit trees with well-rotted manure, compost or leaf-mould to lock in moisture and keep weeds at bay.


  • Move plants out of greenhouse to harden off.
  • Plant tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, melons, aubergines etc in available space.
  • Keep plants well-watered and damp down more often.


  • Plant out dahlias at the end of the month.
  • Direct sow annuals at the end of the month for cut flowers – cosmos, cornflowers, larkspur, helichrysum, acroliniums etc are all easy to grow and produce a lot of stems for cutting over a long period.
  • Plant more gladioli.

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