Monthly jobs on your allotment

For some monthly advice and tips on what you should be doing on your allotment, please choose the month from the drop down menu.


March is the month when the world wakes up, as days slowly lengthen again, and the clocks go forward at the end of the month. In warmer districts many sowings can be made this month, it may still be better to delay a month to six weeks in colder areas. Early direct sowings of suitable varieties of peas and broad beans can be made under cloches in sunny sheltered positions. Seed beds should be made ready and covered with cold frames early in the month for direct sowings.

Where greenhouses are in use, careful ventilation must be made on warm days, just enough to allow excess moisture and condensation, which can easily lead to fungal problems, to escape. Also, try and keep watering to a bare minimum and not splash over staging, flooring etc especially in unheated houses.


  • Under cover, either in a greenhouse or cold frame, sow early cauliflower, broccoli and celery. 
  • Sow broad beans (direct in mild districts, undercover in cold districts).
  • Sow onions and leeks if not done already.
  • Make up new horseradish and seakale beds, either with new plants, or divisions of old. 
  • Sow spinach in very sheltered position, or under cloches.
  • Towards end of month, sow carrots under cloches.
  • Plant earliest potatoes under cloches.


  • Last window for planting new strawberry beds.
  • Where peaches, apricots or nectarines are grown, the early blossom can be destroyed by frosts, cover with fleece or similar when frost is forecast, but remove early the next morning once the frost has lifted.
  • Check ties on all newly planted fruit trees and check no newly planted trees or bushes have worked loose in winter winds and frost – re-firm if this has happened. 


  • Where a heated greenhouse is available sow tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, melons, and aubergines.
  • Keep all young seedlings as close to the glass as possible to prevent legginess.


  • Plant out autumn sown sweet peas, or, if not already sown, sow direct in sheltered plots – prevent against mice.
  • Bring dahlias out of storage, pot up and move to greenhouse.
  • Sow hardy annuals direct into prepared soil in sheltered plots – cheap, easy to grow and great for attracting pollinating insects.

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