For some monthly advice and tips on what you should be doing on your allotment, please choose the month from the drop down menu.
Cold short days and long cold nights can make finding time to get the plot more difficult. However, it is a good idea to try and keep ahead of winter jobs, especially the winter digging. If the soil is neither frozen nor wet enough to stick to the boots, digging can continue.
Small, regular bursts of activity at the allotment are much better than prolonged irregular sessions. Keep an eye out for slightly tender crops such as celery. If they are still in the ground, they might benefit from protection, such as a covering of straw to prevent too much damage.
Alternatively, crops such as swedes and parsnips benefit from a few hard frosts to convert starches into sugars, thus sweetening them, it is generally good practice to have a few lifted and dry stored in case the ground becomes too frozen to be able to lift as required.
Use the time to get on with jobs that we generally don’t get time for through the rest of the year- turn compost heaps, move manure into heaps about the plot ready for digging in, clean out water barrels or collect pea-sticks and such.