For some monthly advice and tips on what you should be doing on your allotment, please choose the month from the drop down menu.
Daylight begins to lengthen, but the weather can often still be unpredictable. Sharp showers can do a lot of damage to young plants and soft new growths. Many areas will still be seeing frosts overnight, but that should start to ease off slightly and certainly lift sooner. Where the soil was winter dug and left rough, the action of frost, and snow should have done wonders to break down the large lumps. When the soil begins to dry on the surface areas can be trod and raked down to a fine tilth ready for direct sowing in the coming weeks.
Although the greenhouse will start to require more regular ventilation, try to only use the roof vents, as side vents and doors will let in cool draughts which will not do young plants and seedlings any good.
Where young plants are in cold frames, these should also be ventilated a little through the day to acclimatise them to the outside air but should still be closed of an evening. As the weather slowly improves, early signs of pests can often be found – be vigilant and deal with them at the earliest stages before they become infestations.
If not already done so, check pH in beds that are to grow brassicas. Lime if the test shows the soil on the acidic side.