E: tdickinson.nas@gmail.com
Alan Marsh
T: 07836 550751
Paula Owen
E: paula.owen@hotmail.co.uk
The London Region was designated in 1919.
Following the subsequent years of pandemic restrictions the Region is now getting into its full stride.
There are over 740 allotment sites with 40,000 plus (and increasing) individual plots in London. In tandem with the rest of the national allotment world, London plots holders represent and mirror the full diversity and culture of our Nation/Land.
The London team are pro-active and ready to meet associations and members across London.
Our quarterly Membership meetings are open to all members. Invitations are sent to all our registered contacts. Even if you do not catch sight one of these invitations just get in touch.
Our golden rule is that every Membership meeting shall have an interesting and relevant speaker/presenter with group discussions to follow. These meetings are a great opportunity to keep up with both National and London allotment developments and, also, to meet other plot holders from within London.
Members of the London team are available to attend your Committee Meetings and AGM by invitation. We are regularly asked to attend and do so on whatever basis required—from observers to vote counters!
There are two London ‘Allotment Officers’ Forums a year on Zoom. All Local Authority AO’s and associated officers are invited and are free to exchange views, opinions, recommendations and even problems amongst peers.